Just wrote this big long blog about whats been up with me lately, and I failed to save then my 7 year old came in and I pushed one wrong button and bam its all deleted!... Oh well lets try this again
I was in another car accident recently rear ended by a woman going 40 mph while I had been sitting at a red light!... Witnesses state I jumped from my van ran to her like Homer Simpson and chocked her out like Bart Simpson... I honestly don't remember. I know I was seeing red and I was pissed. What in the world are you doing to slam into someone sitting at a red light going that fast. I mean I drive a mini van its black I know all the brake lights work cause I just purchased it 4 months ago and have only made a handful of payments.. Oh wait that's right she was texting! Ewwww well after that I was having issues functioning at work and life. I could not breath when I knew I had to get in my car to drive to work, I refused to go to the grocery store and my poor children were prisoners in there own home cause no way was I putting them in a car aka death trap! I mean it was bad, but I decided to pick up the phone call a therapist and bawl like a crazy to her begging for help. I made a appointment and she did just that. She diagnosed me with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder... WTH Me I thought is that not the same thing soldiers were coming home from war with? Not me no way man..., But she explained that in fact after suffering 2 serious accidents in less than a 4 month span I was having anxiety issues. They were debilitating and I have never been one for medication but in this case she convinced me. I started to take what she prescribed and Holy shit balls I was a mute, I slurred all my words could not keep my eyes open. I had to be driven to work and its a wonder I was not sued by a client, but everyone hair thank God turned out lovely. After a week I started to half the medication and I guess it built up in my system so I am almost normal. LOL, but who is normal? What is the definition of normal? I have no idea anyway that is one big thing that has happened since we spoke last. The way I see it if you feel that your life is spiraling out of control, or you can not cope your miserable about whatever ask for help and I do not mean go out drinking with your friends getting shit faced and crying about your problems. I mean call a licensed therapist or whoever and be honest with them and yourself about what is really going on. They can help.....
Ok positive note people.. California in 2 days Friday 6:30 a.m. I will be kid free with Richie off to LAX to visit my half brother. Now this is the longest either one of us has been away from our children. This is Richie's first airplane ride, his first time to California, His first time to a beech, and our very first adult vacation! Wow that is a lot of firsts lol you would think we were virgins but that is not right either we have 3 kids. I am so excited mostly just to be alone with him in 9 years it is almost like we have no identity without 3 kids. I know that might sound rough but it is the truth we met right after I left Braidens father so I already came to the relationship with a child then 2 years later we had Blaine and 4 later here came the hellion Bishop. I am ready to do simple stuff like hold his hand while we walk down the beech, I am ready to sit down at a restaurant and order food and a drink without coloring, or telling our kids to chill out quite sit still etc. To just be able to eat slow and chew our food instead of rushing because Bishop is not having it and ready to get up and walk around or leave. Honestly these are real life issues that you do not think about before you decide to have children. I love my kids and would not trade one second of being a parent, but I honestly believe that every couple should get 1 vacation a year alone with no kids. We have no outside support from family. My mother passed 3 years ago, my dad is a lost soul without her, Richie's dad lives 5 hours away and his mom gets them for 1 hour and is blowing the phone up asking where we are. It has just been us alone to battle 3 kids they our number us and its hard. Only have as many kids as you do hands lol, some people are cut out for dozens of kids, its just not me. 3 is the limit...Richie's uncle and his girlfriend are coming to our house to stay with the boys and dogs till Wed. I have been slammed at work thanks to Mama Laughlin and word of mouth from my amazing clients. I am so thankful and blessed right now in my life it overwhelms me with joy!
I am tearing up! Random next subject this will sound like a infomercial
If you are tired of smelling like smoke, If your hands and teeth are yellow, If your voice is starting to sound like a man and your a chick, If your having to go outside a bar to smoke and your tired of fearing cancer switch your life to a E-Cigg...No joke this thing took me from 1 pack a day to nothing in less than 2 months. If you live in the Dallas area Good Vapes off northwest highway and Plano rd in Dallas is where its at. I feel like a new woman, I smell like one and I'm no longer worried about my future and if I will be around long enough to see my grand babies. Best choice I ever made... you should switch and change your life for the better. Ok guys love you all but I need to get some ZZZZ'S a long day at the salon tomorrow everyone is freaking out cause I will be gone a week heaven forbid!
Definitely gonna check out the E Cigs!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great trip!! I'm from Cali and I could never move lol and were supposed to have great weather this weekend :)